Seat of the Soul Institute
The Brand Tree
Seat of the Soul Institute
It all began in 1979 when Brooks Cole read Gary Zukav’s The Dancing Wu Li Masters. This book changed his life when he learned about quantum physics and its profound relationship to consciousness. This knowledge set him on a course to explore the implications of human computer interface modeled after the way consciousness structures reality, which HoloGenesis is now applying to new technologies on the web.
HOLO SOTSI from Brooks Cole on Vimeo.
Certainly, it was karmic destiny with the release of the 30-year Anniversary book, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, when Brooks met Gary Zukav and was introduced to the Seat of the Soul Institute, the organization co-founded by Gary and his spiritual partner Linda Francis. The Institute is dedicated to assisting people across the world in creating meaning and purpose, creativity and health, joy and love…known as authentic power—the alignment of the personality with the soul.
At the time, Gary was preparing to publish his new book, Spiritual Partnership, and ResonantBrand was engaged to design and create an online strategy and video trailer for the book launch. ResonantBrand was also charged with building an online engagement system that would launch Gary, Linda, and the Institute into the digital age of transformational learning. Brooks personally designed the book cover for Spiritual Partnership, and the ResonantBrand team created a Soul Signature brand asset toolkit to empower web, video, email, social media, print, collateral, and other brand management for Gary, Linda, and Seat of the Soul Institute.
ResonantBrand also architected and built a cutting-edge website, customized specifically to expand knowledge of and provide tools for teaching spiritual partnership and authentic power. The multitude of other ResonantBrand creations—book trailer, iPad video, Seat of the Soul TV, SoulBlog, marketing videos, and online course scripts, videos, audios, and programming laid the foundation for Soul Learning and Seat of the Soul’s upcoming eCourse Awakening to Spiritual Partnership.
Many members of the ResonantBrand team co-created with Gary and Linda on every level. The extraordinary results speak for themselves. In recognition of the commitment and dedication of this dynamic team, Creative Director Brooks Cole extends his deepest gratitude to:
Application Architect : Ryan Brill
Technical Producer : Mihai Manoliu
Instructional Designer : Brian Weller
Systems Coordinator : Jeff Gillis
Engineers : Wayne Hoover, Adam Brill
Seat of the Soul Web Coordinator : Chris Buss