Does your brand resonate with the right people? You know, your clients, prospective clients, partners, press, and others?



Is your brand secretly irresistible?
Or are you unwittingly repelling people?

Is your brand actually aligned with your core essence?
Or are you faking it?

Let’s find out…

Discover your soul genius

You are about to discover something about your type of soul genius that resonates with your ideal clients and gives your brand that unique “attract-ability” factor.




You know a Resonant Brand™ when you see it, and hear it, and touch it. It’s when you discover the essence of your Soul’s intention, heal it, align it, name it, message it and resonate it to the heavens. We at Resonant Brand™ invite you to play across a world of creative domains that, when aligned, make your brand and your business grow and thrive to match your wildest dreams:



What’s your mission? We’re dedicated to helping you shine your brilliance through brand messaging that you love; a brand that speaks to the people you’re here to inspire; a brand that feels aligned from the inside out.


Using a precise form of numerological analysis we can identify your personal gifts, talents and challenges to help bring out your full potential through your business name and brand. If you don’t yet have a business name, we’ll help you find the perfect one.


The web and social media are among the most powerful ways to resonate your new soul-aligned brand. Imagine bradcasting the new you to the world, through image, message color and form. We’ll support you with a powerful global online platform.


Outlining the strategic aspects of your brand and marketing. Exploring products, current offerings, funnels and touch points for your business as an expression of your resonant brand.


Imagine all the products and services you can create with your new ResonantBrand! We’ll help you make a quantum leap in your visibility in the world by developing programs and campaigns that speak to the people you’re here to inspire and transform.


If you don’t take control of your image, others will! Who are you, exactly? Who do you serve? It’s your dream and you can craft it any way you want, stratgically. We’ll show you how.


Got Resonance?

As ninjas in the field of branding and “Nameology™” (the science of designing lucky names) we are beyond excited about helping people like you create resonant brands that rock. And have a lot of fun in the process.

After working with hundreds of individuals and scores of businesses, large and small, we’re darn good at launching our clients into a new stratosphere of marketplace impact.


The founders of ResonantBrand™, Brooks Cole and Rachel Flower, have naming and branding and marketing individuals and businesses like you for decades. From celebrities like U2, Santana, Jerry Brown and Jack Canfield to businesses like GE, Microsoft, Disney and Oracle, to heroic small business entrepreneurs… we can help anybody with a passion grow and resonate their dream brands.


Satisfied Clients

Ongoing Projects

Cups Of CHAI

“The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.”
~Aldous Huxley


When you connect your Soul’s desire with your brand and resonate it, your life’s dreams can take wing. We can help you imagine your New World and the products, books, courses, speaking and the social and promotional tours that back it all up. Schedule your free consultation with Rachel Flower by clicking here.

LOVE From Our Clients

We love our clients and they love us back! Here are some of our favorite testimonials from people just like you who have had BrandResonance™ rock their worlds…

“I’ve known Brooks Cole for several years and he is one of the most brilliant and creative minds I know. I’ve worked with him as a video director, branding expert, a technology entrepreneur and a transformational consultant. He has developed websites for us, videos, packaging and branding for us that have made a real difference in our business. And because of his work, our brand is now cohesive and consistent. Brooks has created for me one of the best speaker introduction videos in the industry. Brooks is definitely a rising star in the business of transforming lives and helping people reach their full potential.”

Jack Canfield

America’s Success Coach Brand and Video Marketing, Canfield Training Companies

“Rachel is an Angel! Was I in for an amazing ‘gift’ that has shifted and empowered me every day since. I was at a crossroads, an important decision point in my business, and dealing with a number of debilitating roadblocks. But after just one session with her I experienced a massive shift, right from the center of my soul. The world literally opened up and new story began…”
Beverly Gun Munro

CEO and Founder, Save A Rescue & The Entrepreneur Woman

“Brooks is a visual magician, taking even mundane ideas and turning them into a feast for the eyes. He delivers results rapidly and consistently goes beyond expectations. A true wonder of creativity, Brooks also knows how to make the process of creation a great deal of fun. His visionary design work was essential in driving the success of our business” 

Stephen Dinan

CEO & Founder, Transformational Education Company Full Branding, The Shift Network

“Brooks is one of the most conscious, talented and gifted marketing experts I have ever had the opportunity to work with. His strategic thinking advances my business goals as well as my quest to sharpen minds and broaden hearts among business leaders.” 

Eric Kaufmann

Four Virtues of a Leader Book Marketing, Eric Kaufmann

“Brooks Cole is such a master at branding and marketing and has demonstrated such success with teachers and transformational leaders, I decided to make him my 50/50 business partner. He helped me completely rebrand my business, develop, package and market dozens of products, and helped us grow our supplement business to become 80% of our revenue generation – which has grown faster than industry standards year after year.” 

Adam Armstrong

CEO & Founder, Teaching Men how to heal their sexual relationships, Better in Bed

“Brooks is a star in his field, and everyone who works with him knows it. He’s a master at using the power of inspired design, potent messaging, crisp branding, the latest technology, and pure magic to deliver way beyond what you even thought you wanted. Brooks Rocks!” 

Gary Malkin

Keynote Speaker, Performer, and Music/ Wellness Consultant at Gary Malkin Productions, Gary Malkin Productions

“Brooks can be counted on to have a number of creative solutions to your tech or insight problems – all of which are an improvement over the current paradigm. He is able to implement your chosen new direction based on his deep knowledge and personal connections with other such bright minds. I love working with Brooks because he validates all members of his team, and gives heartfelt appreciation for good work and collaboration.” 

Annie Waters

President/Master at Little Lake Grange, Annie Waters

“Brooks is simply a brilliant man and an extraordinary creative director. He is a visionary genius. His caliber of charter adds to his charisma as he is a man of integrity, wit and most certainly wisdom. Brooks produces world class creative services that are unique and original. I highly recommend him as he is a forward thinker and can essentially transform the mundane into acoustic alchemy.” 

Jeff Gillis

CMO, Chief Marketing Officer & Business Intelligence Executive Director , Simpli Networks, LLC

“Brooks’ superlative, evocative and resonant design of our podcasting site generated instant credibility for our start up. The number of unsolicited rave comments we’ve received about how attractive, navigable and unique our site is has been unbelievable. Brooks has amazing talent and he’s a champ at incorporating our edits and requests into his work. He’s facile, soulful and a wonderful man. We adore, admire and fully support him in all his endeavors.”

Susan Bratton

CEO, Healthy Sex Education for Couples, Personal Life Media

Right from the start I was blown away by the revelations and at a loss for words to express the impact. Rachel immediately used the system to tap the core of my make-up so that I could begin to understand, right away, why and how everything tied to my name is expressed in my life.”

Lori Dean

Radio Personality, Host of "Help, My Mid-life Sucks"

“I and my entire community are thrilled with Brooks’ and his team’s work on our site and “Sanctuary” video store and he has advanced my work immeasurably.” 

Miranda Macpherson

Spiritual University with Audio/Video Store, Miranda Macpherson

“Brooks is the creative genius behind my website, album and event marketing and promotion and helped my latest album chart where it counts. I don’t know what I would do without him!” 

Anna Danes

Helping the Baltic Beauty of Jazz Find Her Wings, Anna Danes

“I’ve known Brooks since he amazed the Transformational Leadership Council in 2009 with a presentation on the future of transformational marketing. I knew then that I wanted to work with him, and trusted him with the development of our website, logo, and the design of my entire library of training videos. He is a visionary who knows how to manifest business results.” 

Anat Baniel

Full-Spectrum Healing Brand Platform & Book Promo, Anat Baniel

“Brooks is unbelievably creative. He has done phenomenal design work for a number of organizations I work with, including IONS (www.shiftinaction.com), Kelley Stanton Group (www.ksgtransform.com ) and Enlightenment.com (www.enlightenment.co m). He will help you re-think your entire business so that your design reflects your philosophy of life, not just your business concerns.” 

Lion Goodman

Helping High Achievers Leap into Super-High Achievement, Lion Goodman

“Brooks Cole, of Holocosmos, is a bighearted genius with an uncanny capacity to weave different perspectives together with brilliant fibers of imagination, beauty, clarity and real world utility. His direction and collaboration in building our website was liberating . The entire process was inspiring, lots of fun, and very professional. I give him my strongest endorsement.” 

Chris Stanton

Management Consultant / Construction Manager, Chris Stanton

“Brooks Cole is an amazing digital genius who’s thinking is way beyond 99% of the population. If you want to get ahead of the curve, Brooks is your man. A rare combination of brains and heart, Brooks will take you to the future, economically, wisely, and with full compassion for the more technologically challenged beings who need a geek they can really relate to.” 

Anodea Judith

Director, author, speaker, evolutionary activist, Sacred Centers

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