The Brand Tree
BackWeb Modular Flash Demo System
BackWeb Executive Communication Flash Demo
BackWeb Technologies is a leading provider of push communications infrastructure for e-business that enable companies to proactively communicate time-sensitive, business-critical information throughout Internet and Wireless networks to customers, partners and employees. Corporations such as Cisco, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, and Schlumberger Dowell have deployed BackWeb’s Polite¬ push communications infrastructure for managing critical changes for key e-business and customer service applications.
BackWeb looked to HoloCosmos to develop a modular system of Flash Demo components to allow the company to build many stylistically-consistent, rich media demos rapidly for a fraction of the cost of the one-off approach used by most organizations.
As with many organizations today, BackWeb has a spectrum of communication challenges such as Sales Support, Sales Training, Customer Service Training, Customer Orientation, Executive Communication, Investor Relations, etc. in which the company needs to demonstrate and feature its solutions. Also there are many contexts in which this communication will take place in meetings, from the web, from laptops, from CD-ROM, in self-guiding tours, within online help, or from anywhere the need arises.
When new opportunities for messaging and communication present themselves, or fast-breaking market changes or competitive threats emerge, it is essential that organizations be able to rapidly and cost-effectively respond with successful demos which hold user interest. Whether it’s for corporate, extended enterprise or consumer use, the communication of BackWeb’s solutions requires a modern, powerful style which maintains consistency of message and presentation across departments and communications vehicles.
The media vocabulary of this modern presentation is the animated Interactive Demo, usually produced in Macromedia Flash or Shockwave. Unlike do-it-yourself PowerPoint presentations, the manual creation of the kind of professional Flash demos users are coming to expect is a complex, time-consuming and expensive process.
Maintaining a consistent corporate image across many possible demos, uses and applications is significantly more challenging than say, maintaining the style of web pages or PowerPoint presentations across the enterprise. In order to render these demos a viable communication tool for business critical or time sensitive content, HoloCosmos introduces a new paradigm the Interactive Demo System. Our aim is to empower BackWeb communicators with ready access to a family of rich-media demos multi-use vehicles which explain BackWeb solutions and technology in exciting ways which leave users stimulated and eager to embrace its solutions.
BackWeb Project Lead : Don Farnsworth
BackWeb Internal Client : Rinat Bogin
Creative Director/Producer/Animator : Brooks Cole
Lead Animator/Engineer : Travis Curl
Additional 3D : Jon Bell
Additional Engineering : Andy Kalinowitsch
Music : Michael Becker
Muse : Hanna Leigh