Assisi International Animal Foundation
The Brand Tree
Assisi International Animal Foundation
Assisi International Animal Institute is an educational, rehabilitative, and charitable non-profit, non-denominational Institute. Assisi’s mission is to promote understanding, respect and wellbeing of animals through recognition of them as the sentient, intelligent, spiritual beings they are. Assisi’s mission is also to raise consciousness about their rights to equal consideration through educational, consultative and rehabilitative services and support. Assisi fosters and promotes the innate capacity of human and nonhuman animals to communicate meaningfully with each other. Mental telepathy is one of the means by which communication among different species occurs. Since telepathic communication is a discipline whose skills are owned by all, these skills can be learned by all who wish to develop their innate capacity.
The Institute’s Founder, Jeri Ryan, selected HoloCosmos for marketing and communications consulting, design and creative development, to support the initial marketing and fundraising activities of the Assisi Institute. These are some of the results.