Architects of a New Dawn
The Brand Tree
Carlos Santana, Architects of a New Dawn
“The tools we need are in our hands. In our hearts. In the words we choose to speak, and the ways we choose to live our lives. We are the architects, guided by forces greater than death. Whether you choose to build with us, or continue to destroy, the power is in your hands. Because we have all been granted the will to change.
Yosimar Reyes, Poet
“It is a longing in my heart to work with light. It’s an individual or a person who believes that faith is the substance of things not seen…So this is an invitation for us to create a new reality, a new perception for this planet, where unity, and harmony and peace is possible in our lifetimes.”
Carlos Santana
Collaborative Vision for the Site
Santana project manager Rick Lukens engaged ResonantBrand to provide creative direction on identity, branding, social network and web development, animation, and visual design to Carlos Santana’s extraordinary vision.
Architects of a New Dawn is a multi-media experience integrating modules with short films, interviews, spoken word, music, and visuals that were designed to inspire and and create hope for people around the world. The site offers opportunities to explore the unlimited possibilities that will determine the evolution of humanity.
ResonantBrand focused on creating a beautiful framework that began with the basics and extended into a fully functional social media networking site. We built the site with Ruby on Rails and implemented an intuitive and inviting design that allowed users to easily navigate and connect with each other on the site.
To maximize the full potential of this site, ResonantBrand designed modules as a series of 3-6 minute films that included computer animated sequences, conversations, interviews, spoken word, and other striking visuals. These modules were used as individual pieces that also fit into one long-form program. The “short bites” were especially effective across a wide variety of media delivery systems such as phones, PDA’s, and other mobile devices.
Client Project Lead : Rick Lukens
Creative Director : Brooks Cole
Chief Engineer : Alex Wayne
Technical Producer : Mihai Manoliu